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(Women Are MasterPieces) 

Women Are MasterPieces

The Visionary & Founder

Ratoya Donaldson

Certified Life Purpose Coach

I Moved Fear out of the way. I Trusted God when I couldn't see it. I stopped worrying about who would or wouldn't support me. I stopped being concerned about who would reject my idea or accept It. This organization was given to me by God to help broken women unmask and reveal their true selves as the "MasterPieces" God designed them to be. We will meet and pray together offering spiritual, mental, and emotional support to one another. 

WAM Founder Ratoya Donaldson

Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower our women. We have all been wounded and broken in some area (s) in our lives. Our wounds formed pieces in our lives that led to negativity, bad decisions, self isolation, and or ungodly actions. It's time to acknowledge it, to own it, and to activate all the powerful hidden pieces that make up your extraordinary "Masterpiece."

Proverbs 31:30 KJV

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.

Our Mission

Our Vision

To help women embrace who the all Mighty God has ordained them to be. To help women walk boldly into their purpose. Rise up women your pieces were crafted by the "Master"

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